Toddler Gear, Play & Activities

From make-believe to number counting, toddlers are learning and playing all the time. We give you the best collection of toddler play ideas and activities you can have fun trying with your child.

Last Updated: Oct 22, 2020 06:25 GMT


Toddler Gear, Play & Activities

Once babies start walking, their curiosity to explore things around shoots up. They find freedom to run around, grab objects and study them with their hands and mouth. Playing is important for them. As a matter of fact, as Maria Montessori says, play is the work of a child. Popular interests of toddlers are stacking building blocks, pretend play (Ex. house and kitchen), playing with a ball, running, hoping and jumping and peek-a-boo. We detail on how to encourage playtime in your toddlers.

Most of a child’s motor skills are developed at the toddler stage. They get adept in gross motor skills, that is, the use and control of larger muscles of the body like that involved in running, jumping and climbing. Their fine motor skills also develop at this age. Fine motor skills is the control of smaller muscles like that involved in pincer grasp, catching a ball and using a spoon to feed themselves. We list out activities for your child which specifically focuses on developing the gross motor and fine motor skills in your toddler.

It could be confusing while choosing toys and gears for your toddlers. Which one will work for your needs, how to know if your child will show interest to use or how much to spend for each – we help you get clarity on such questions you may have on toddler toys and gears.

We also give you more information in this section on play groups, reading aloud with your children, screen time etc.